Next-Level Security Technology: Gallagher Access Control


Whether you need to control access to sensitive areas or protect your people and business with compliance and competency solutions, Gallagher access control offers you more than traditional security systems. It's a transformative site management program.

Gallagher readers send access control request information to your controller, where access decisions are made nearly instantly. This plays a critical role in deterring unauthorized entry and mitigating risks.


Gallagher access control is vital to a complete security solution. In addition to traditional physical access control, they can include visitor management, a robust security management system, and onsite monitoring for alarms and perimeter security.

Designed with your people, site, business, and building management in mind, Command Centre delivers unrivaled control across your entire site. This centralized platform is a powerful tool for managing your security, with built-in alarm management, integration, and remote digital imaging.

The Gallagher C7000 SD is a versatile and resilient network-connected controller with extensive functionality, including single-door access control, system interfaces, and alarm monitoring. It features a USB port for securely loading software and supports up to 256 HBUS IO (with four balanced inputs and two relay outputs for devices that provide clean contact). It offers flexibility to suit your needs and allows connecting a cellular modem to communicate with the controller via a GSM cellular modem terminal.


Gallagher system solutions are designed for flexibility, scalability, and integration to meet your site's security requirements. They feature centralized control, advanced encryption, and alarm management.

When a card or mobile credential is waved over a reader, it communicates with the controller to verify the user's identity and authorize entry. Gallagher access control allows users to use a mobile device as an access credential, eliminating the need for additional cards or fobs, reducing costs, and improving convenience for your users.

Additionally, access control can monitor how long a cardholder has been onsite and send notifications or initiate automatic action to reduce the risk of exposure to unsafe environments. The Command Centre server and Controller Application Programming Interface (API) allow events to be passed and received from third-party systems such as video, duress, and building management systems.


Gallagher's world-class site management platform offers a fully customizable, integrated solution that creates efficiencies and keeps your people safe. Access control integrates with a range of third-party systems, including intruder alarms, intercoms, and lifts.

Gallagher readers send access request information to a controller, which makes an instant decision about whether or not to grant access. The Gallagher access control is designed to buffer events in the event of network communication failure, ensuring that your operators can continue to respond to security incidents with confidence.

The video interface enables integration with support cameras, linking visual records to events in the Command Centre. Operators can use the live video to support their response and to make access-granted decisions based on license plate recognition.


Gallagher access control is designed to create efficiencies and business efficiency with intelligent data management. Command Centre software is fully customizable to suit your needs and enables you to manage your system with ease.

Gallagher readers send access request information to a controller, where decisions are made nearly instantaneously and then uploaded to field hardware. Access control ensures that a security decision is always made at the entry or exit point.

Integration is built into the platform with a wide range of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). APIs allow information to be sent and received between the Command Centre and third-party applications such as video, duress, and building management systems. This provides the flexibility to work with any existing third-party solution without losing the security of your site.

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